canadensis_udp 0.2.2

A Cyphal implementation: Cyphal/UDP transport

Cyphal/UDP transport

The current version of the transport is documented at

This implementation requires the std library for sockets.

How sockets work


A transport can use one socket to send all outgoing message and service transfers. This socket gets bound to a normal address derived from the local node ID and an ephemeral UDP port.

Outgoing message transfers get sent to a multicast address based on the port ID and the fixed UDP port 16383.

Outgoing request transfers get sent to the address of the destination node with a UDP port number based on the service ID.

Receiving message transfers

Each subscription requires its own socket. The socket gets bound to the multicast address derived from the subject ID and the fixed UDP port 16383.

When the transport receives a packet, it knows the subject ID (associated with the socket) and extracts the source node ID from the source IP address.

Receiving service transfers

Each subscription requires its own socket. The socket gets bound to a normal address derived from the local node ID and a UDP port based on the service ID.

When the transport receives a packet, it knows the service ID (associated with the socket) and extracts the source node ID from the source IP address.